Monday, April 6, 2009

Go Angels!!!

So today is MLB Opening Day!!! I'm so excited for baseball season, I can't wait to spend the days/nights sitting at the baseball field watching my Anaheim Angels (I REFUSE to call them that "other" name). We're a little bummed though this year, we didn't buy tickets to Opening Day because we weren't sure whether or not Jude would be here! We're hoping maybe we can catch a game either tomorrow or Wednesday, but to tell you the truth I hope we're watching it from the hospital!!!

I can't wait to take Jude to Angels games though, he's all set to go with his Angels gear too! I know we're going to have a blast with him and hopefully he'll grow to LOVE the Angels as much as his Mom and Dad do! (I don't know if he'll have a choice though LOL)

Opening Day has always been special to me and my family. This time of year always makes me think of my step dad Rick though, we loved going to Opening Day and watch the raising of the flags (at least since 2002) that the Angels had won from the previous season. Here are a few pictures of us enjoying the Angels!

Rick being silly with a give away! Captures his personality perfectly!
I love going to the games with my Dad, he's the one who REALLY got me into baseball! My mom loves going to the games too!
Lauren and Chloe love taking pictures at the game instead of watching it!
We LOVE hanging with our friends and family at the games, makes for a GREAT time!

Obviously Carrie and Mike don't like the Angels, they like other poopy teams but they enjoy the atmosphere! :)


Shelley Nicole said...

I am literally dying right now of a mixture of jealousy, nostalgia, homesickness, job annoyance, weather annoyance........ ahhh! I want to go to an Angel game RIGHT NOW and just be in California for good. Sheesh, okay, I have a plan of action.
1. When I come down there over memorial day weekend I am going to hope that the Angels are home and that you feel good enough to take your month old kid to a game with me...OR a Dodger game.
2. Is there ANYTHING you can do to get me job down there starting in August? Anything? Any Bank of America job that would support me surviving...seriously...I'll just count a teller...sweep the floor....whatever. Seriously...any connections at all? I'm smart, I could do anything :)

Shelley Nicole said...

P.S. That was a tender comment about Rick and a cute picture :)