Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So time has FLOWN by...Jude is 5 months!!! Where has the time gone! Well I can say that it was pretty awesome being able to be home with Jude the first 4 1/2 months along with Mike. We wouldn't trade that time for anything!!! I'm back to work now (and when I say "back to work" I mean back to working from home :) ) and Mike is Mr. Mom and doing a GREAT job at it!!! Everyday Mike and Jude go on walks and he loves it!! He loves being outside in the fresh air.

5 month stats:

We think he's pushing 18 lbs, we'll have a definite answer next month on his 6 month check up

I think he's still about the same height, 25inches, but again we'll know next month

He's growing out of his 6 month clothes and heading into his 9 month wardrobe! The 6 month onesies and footie pjs are just too short, the neckline hangs at his chest!!!

He's still teething, the past couple of days have been a little bit of a challenge, I hope that little tooth breaks through soon!!

He's sitting up on his own and LOVES to hang out with everyone!

He's recently discovered his feet...which means they go into his mouth, with just about everything else!

He's starting to recongize his name...which is pretty awesome!

We're excited to start him on solids this month!! (I'll post pictures of that messy experience!)

Over the past couple of weeks he's really started to get into playing with his toys! Along with his feet he puts these in his mouth too!!!

1 comment:

Shelley Nicole said...

Cute cute kiddo! Love you!