4 month stats:
He's 16lbs 12oz!!! I can't even believe it! He wears 6-9 month clothes, isn't that crazy!!!
He's 25 1/4 inches long
He's still teething and today I felt his little tooth cutting through on the bottom!!! I can't even believe it, I almost started crying when I felt it (I know I'm sappy)
He's pulling himself up and standing (with assistance)
He's ALMOST rolling over!! I swear just a kick of the foot and he would have it!
He is totally falling in love with Tanner, he stares at her all the time and pets/grabs her ears.
So I'm convinced he says "dadda" now, he actually says it OVER and OVER and OVER!!! Anytime I say "mama" he just laughs at me.
He's totally discovered his feet and hands, he is always pulling at his toes and folding his little hands together.
I just can't say how much I LOVE this little boy!!! He is always smiling...when he wakes up, when he goes to sleep, all the time!!! I can't believe that time is flying by soooo fast!!!

I love him! I need to see him again. It's been WAY TOO LONG!!!!!
Aw, so cute! I'm so glad I got to play with him a bit :) MIss you
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