Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer Time!!

What a great summer!!! Seriously I felt like I was back in school, I went on maternity leave right after Jude was born and had 4 1/2 months off!!! It was great! Mike and I both had the time off and were able to hang out with Jude and have an amazing summer together. Because of everything that has been happening with Mike I didn't get a chance to really blog about it, so here is the short side of what we did this summer!!! Enjoy!

Glen Ivy with the girls!!

Mike's 1st Father's Day

San Diego Zoo


A Day at the Park!

4th of July, and Jude's first time in the pool!

Mike's 20 year reunion! We had a blast!!!

Beach Club, Jude is totally an outdoors baby, he loves it!


OC Fair

Maria's Bridal Shower

Bullard's Visit!!! This was the first time they got to see Jude

Concerts in the Park - RSM. We did another one of these and had a blast each time!!! Nicole and Scott were our summer buddies too!!!

Pool DAY!!!!

Depeche Mode!! Sounds of the Universe Tour! We had such a great time!!!

Gramma and Pop Pop visit

We took a trip to Arizona and met up with the Fisk Family and we got to meet little Taiylor!

Introducing The Irwins!!! We went to Scottsdale, AZ for their beautiful wedding and had a BLAST!

While in AZ, we stayed at my Aunt and Uncles and cousins! They got to meet Jude for the first time too!!! This is Gigi and Dominic

Aunt Rita and Jude

Now I'm back to work (BOO) but seriously had an amazing summer! I'm so glad I was able to spend the time with my new family. I'll cherish the time we had this past summer, this one will go down in the memory bank of one of the great ones!!!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Seriously, you had to post that picture AGAIN!

I can't believe summer is over. I feel like mine hasn't even begun yet!