Monday, July 12, 2010

MLB All Star Game Fan Fest 2010

The All-Star Game is in town this weekend!!! Mike was chosen to work as a volunteer for Fan Fest at the Anaheim Convention Center, so because of that he was given FREE tickets to Fan Fest!!! On Saturday we got up early and headed down there. I'm so excited we were able to go, because it was a baseball lovers paradise! They had really cool exhibits, baseball memorabilia, former Angel players and MLB players, and fun baseball activities. We had a great time!!! Of course the BEST part of the day was waiting (in line for 2 1/2 hours mind you) for Tim Salmon's autograph!!! Hands down my favorite Angels' baseball player of all time, right up there with Chili Davis!
I wish we could go to the All Star Game on Tuesday, but this was pretty cool! I'm just glad we got to be apart of all the festivities!

Isn't he just the cutest!!!! Love you #15!!


Brynn said...

How funny, I went to Disneyland today and saw all the stuff for the MLB Fan Fest and totally thought of you. I'm glad you got to go & that you had such a great time. Miss you friend!

amber buhrley said...

You guys are so fun! Love your passion!

Shelley Nicole said...

HA HA! Oh how I love you! Wish I could have been with you actually!