Monday, March 22, 2010

11 Months!

11 Months! I can't even believe sweet little boy is 11 months! I look at him and I know he's not a baby, but I just can't believe 11 months has come so FAST!

11 month stats:
About 23lbs
18 month clothes
7 teeth (3 on the bottom 4 on the top)...still NO hair!!!
Walking along all the furniture and just started pulling himself up and standing all by himself, I think walking is in the near future!
Jammin' up the stairs....with assistance of course.
Dances whenever he hears music, especially from Yo Gabba Gabba!
Talks all day long!!! (Just like his mommy)
He's such a GREAT eater, love strawberries and little cutie oranges! He HATES green beans though...I like to make sure and give them to him every once and awhile.
Loves the swings at the park and hanging out with Daddy!

Jude is such a sweet little boy. Every morning when he wakes up he's smiling and waiting for us to come and get him. It's such an amazing feeling that he's such a happy little boy. I love his little laugh, it makes me and Mike laugh so hard sometimes.

I can't even believe we're starting to plan Jude's 1st birthday! A friend of mine said awhile back that this will be the fastest year of my life...they were right! I can't even believe how fast Jude has grown!


Mo said...

Oh my goodness can't wait to see him! He's so big! I'm so glad he's a happy baby.

Brynn said...

I LOVE him! He is so stinkin cute! And does have the sweetest smile and cutest laugh. Glenn thinks he's awesome too.