Wednesday, January 27, 2010

9 Months!!!

I can't even believe I'm blogging that Jude is 9 months! It's just crazy to me! He's so much fun right now and I just LOVE having this time with him. I know I've said this in every post but seriously he's such a good little boy, we're so lucky to have such a great little guy!!!
9 month stats:
21 lbs 2 oz 28 inches long
12-18 month clothes
4 teeth (2 on the bottom 2 on the top)
CRAWLING EVERYWHERE!!!! We can't stop this little guy!
He's eating 3 meals a day now and we're going to start him on real food this month
Sad to say though, he's weaned himself off nursing :( So he's eating both breastmilk and formula and holding his own bottle!!!! (This makes me sad cause it really shows me how big he is now)
He's just started putting his hand over his mouth and making noises, just like daddy does with him.
He loves ALL of his toys! Especially his glow worm from Aunt Shelley!!! He falls alseep with it at night now.
He still LOVES Tanner so much...when he's tired he lays his head on her, it's so cute!!

I can't say enough how blessed we feel to have Jude in our life, we seriously don't know how we could imagine our life without him. He's brought so much joy and happiness into our already blessed home! Love you little monkey!!!


Mo said...

I can't believe it either! Soon he'll be driving...So cute hope to see you all soon

Shelley Nicole said...

Aw, I love him! And I love you! And I'm so happy and excited that he loves his glow worm! Horray!!! (I want to come down there for a quick visit the weekend of March 5,6,7...hopefully!)