Friday, December 18, 2009

Tamale Day!

One of my FAVORITE things to do this time of year is Tamale Day. This has been a family tradition of my dad's family since I was little (even longer than that) and I just LOVE it! It's a lot of work but totally worth it. My cousin Michelle and I took over this tradition from our Aunts and Grandma about 5 years ago. We changed things up a bit just because it's SO much work and we put our own little spin on it. Every year we vow that this year will be different than last year, and of course it never is but that's what makes it so much fun.

I love the tradition of Tamale Day, every year we do a "pre-tamale" party to get the meat ready for the next day. We tell everyone to show up at 7am, but people don't start trickling in until around 8 or 9, then we get started. We make our secret recipe for the masa and start preparing the orders of our family. We all sit around the table and talk and have champagne and laugh, it's GREAT!
The newest cousins! Jude and Benny
Tamale Makin'
This is the FIRST time Uncle Mitch has helped prepare the masa!!!
Grandma stands over and watches everyone to make sure they are doing it right LOL
This is pretty much what Ronnie and I do every year, prepare the masa
I can't wait until the 2nd generation of cousins get into this tradition and we can pass the "Tamale" to them.

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