Monday, December 7, 2009

7 Months!

Seriously this is going by waaaaaaaaaay to fast! I can't even keep up with the postings! Well our little man is 7 months old (at least he was on 11/20!)

7 Month Stats:

At his last appt he weighed 19lbs and 27.5 inches long, I'm sure now he weights AT LEAST 22lbs and is 28 inches if not longer. He totally had a major growth spurt in the past couple of weeks.

He's still wearing 9-12 month clothes, but he's just starting to wear 12-18 month clothes, with a little wiggle room of course!

He got his first two teeth shortly after my last post!! They are on the bottom and super cute when he smiles! I love it!

He's still not crawling yet, but he's pulling himself up and rolling around everywhere to get to his destination.

He makes a million different funny faces everyday and LOVES being around his "dadda". OH he FINALLY said "mama" I even got it on video!

This little boy brings so much light into our little home and we just love him! We are so blessed to have him in our lives, and I can't imagine life without him.

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