Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday Jude!!!

WOW 6 months already!!! I can't even believe how fast this is going!! Seriously, in no time at all he'll be 1!!

6 Month Stats:

He weights 19lbs 4oz and is 27 1/2 inches long. He totally had a HUGE growth spurt in the past two months!! He's almost as tall as me!!! LOL

He's wearing 9-12 month clothes

STILL teething, no teeth yet!!! I think he's getting one in the bottom right hand side, I'm just waiting for that little guy to come through!

He's rolling over too!! And even starting to do a little scooting action too, I love it!!!

We're going to start on veggies in a couple of weeks and can't wait to see his reaction to that.
He's totally in love with Tanner. He watches her with whatever she does and laughs at her all the time. He LOVES petting her, he's always grabbing for her. She's being great too, she tolerates him LOL.


Mo said...

Time flies! Happy 1/2 Birthday.

Shelley Nicole said...

Big time cutie! Love you

Unknown said...

What's up big boy! He's so stinkin' cute!!!!