Thursday, October 22, 2009


I love love love love LOVE our friends Jordan and Maria Irwin. They are the best couple!! Over the past year or so we have gotten extremely close with these two people. They mean the world to us! Jordan is an AWESOME photographer and has a great style that I love! We asked him to take a new family photo for us and while we were at it, take Jude's 6 month pictures. We decided to do it at the pumpkin patch (perfect timing since I LOVE these fall holidays). Here are a few of the photos that he took for us...

Thank you so much Jordan for capturing our sweet little boy and our growing family!!! We love you both sooo much.

Jordan can be reached at


Shelley Nicole said...

Oh man! I could just eat you all up! Yes, all 3 of you!!! So cute! Mwah!

Leisa Tapia said...

YA wow!! I was going to tell you how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture you put up for your title! so cute!!! and visually interesting, and JUDE could not be any more ADORABLE if he tried! I love the hat and the little monkey outfit in the pumkins... so cute!

Unknown said...


The Bullards! said...

Ok so could this kid get any cuter! I just want to jump through the screen and smooooochie him!