First stop...Frisco, TX (June 3rd - June 7th):This was Jude's 1st airplane ride and he did AMAZING!!! I was REALLY nervous that he would totally be THAT kid (I know you know who and what sort of kid I'm referring to), and not that if he was THAT kid it would be a bad thing, I just felt for my own sanity it would be better if he was his chill self. And he didn't disappoint! What was really cool was that I ran into my sisters good friend Erika, she happened to be going to New York and had a layover in Dallas! PERFECT!!!! She sat next to me and helped me entertain Jude, she was a God sent! Thank you Ericka!!!

We took this trip to lovely Frisco, TX to visit The Bullard Family and celebrate with Breanne and Oliver for their baby shower! It was a lot of fun, I had a great time!! I also got to visit with The Fish Family, which I was so excited because I hadn't met Grady or Wyatt yet (who is only a few weeks old) so it was GREAT seeing them. Jude had a great time meeting Grady for the first time...can't you just tell by this picture :)

We did a lot of fun things, but it was just nice to be away for a few days and relax and visit good friends. Thank you Bullards for letting me and Jude stay with you guys, we had a blast!!!

Next stop...Phoenix, AZ (June 7th - June 10th):
I literally got off the plane from Texas and got another plane 4 hours later to go to Phoenix for work. I love my job, actually let me rephrase...I love the people I work with, who make me love my job. I seriously have the best co-workers and boss. Thankfully we've all work together off and on for the past 6 years (some longer) so it makes actually doing the work so much easier! I also got to visit with a good friend Melissa, she's the best and I miss her so much!!!

Last stop...Groveland, CA (June 12th - June 15th):
So I landed from Phoenix on Thursday got to sleep in my brand new bed for 2 days...then we (including Miss Tanner) headed out on our 7 hour drive to Groveland to visit Mike's family. This was a special trip because we got to see Mike's sister Marji and her family and then also see Mike's other sister Martha and her family who is from Chicago!! It was awesome, this was also the first time Martha and her family were meeting Jude, and of course he fell in love with them instantly.
We spent Saturday at Marji's and had a BBQ and the kids went swimming. We all headed up to Mike's parents house later that night...and passed out!!!! The next day we went to Yosemite and as always had a great time. I seriously love that place, and I can't wait until Jude can really appreciate how awesome it is. Because of all the rain/snow they had up there the falls were raging!! The following day we headed down to the lake to relax and have the kids go swimming. Jude loved playing in the lake with his new little toys Auntie Martha and the kids got him.

I'd say our summer so far has been family trip planned is camping in August and Santa Barbara in Sept!!!